- class parfun.backend.mixins.BackendEngine
Asynchronous task manager interface.
- abstract allows_nested_tasks() bool
Indicates if Parfun can submit new tasks from other tasks.
- abstract session() BackendSession
Returns a new managed session for submitting tasks.
with backend.session() as session: arg_ref = session.preload_value(arg) future = session.submit(fn, arg_ref) print(future.result())
- abstract shutdown()
Shutdowns all resources required by the backend engine.
- class parfun.backend.mixins.BackendSession
A task submitting session to a backend engine that manages the lifecycle of the task objects (preloaded values, argument values and future objects).
- preload_value(value: Any) Any
Preloads a value to the backend engine.
The returned value will be used when calling
instead of the original value.
- abstract submit(fn: Callable, *args, **kwargs) ProfiledFuture
Executes an asynchronous computation.
Blocking if no computing resource is available.
- class parfun.backend.local_single_process.LocalSingleProcessBackend
- allows_nested_tasks() bool
Indicates if Parfun can submit new tasks from other tasks.
- session() BackendSession
Returns a new managed session for submitting tasks.
with backend.session() as session: arg_ref = session.preload_value(arg) future = session.submit(fn, arg_ref) print(future.result())
- shutdown()
Shutdowns all resources required by the backend engine.
- class parfun.backend.local_single_process.LocalSingleProcessSession
- submit(fn: Callable, *args, **kwargs) ProfiledFuture
Executes an asynchronous computation.
Blocking if no computing resource is available.
- class parfun.backend.local_multiprocessing.LocalMultiprocessingBackend(max_workers: int = 1, is_process: bool = True, **kwargs)
Concurrent engine that uses Python builtin
module.- allows_nested_tasks() bool
Indicates if Parfun can submit new tasks from other tasks.
- session() LocalMultiprocessingSession
Returns a new managed session for submitting tasks.
with backend.session() as session: arg_ref = session.preload_value(arg) future = session.submit(fn, arg_ref) print(future.result())
- shutdown(wait=True)
Shutdowns all resources required by the backend engine.
- class parfun.backend.local_multiprocessing.LocalMultiprocessingSession(underlying_executor: Executor)
- submit(fn, *args, **kwargs) ProfiledFuture
Executes an asynchronous computation.
Blocking if no computing resource is available.
- class parfun.backend.dask.DaskBaseBackend(n_workers: int)
- allows_nested_tasks() bool
Indicates if Parfun can submit new tasks from other tasks.
- session() DaskSession
Returns a new managed session for submitting tasks.
with backend.session() as session: arg_ref = session.preload_value(arg) future = session.submit(fn, arg_ref) print(future.result())
- class parfun.backend.dask.DaskCurrentBackend(n_workers: int)
Uses the current Dask worker context to deduce the backend instance.
This backend should be used by Dask’s worker tasks that desire to access the underlying backend instance.
- shutdown()
Shutdowns all resources required by the backend engine.
- class parfun.backend.dask.DaskLocalClusterBackend(n_workers: int = 1, dashboard_address=':33333', memory_limit='100GB')
Creates a Dask cluster on the local machine and uses it as a backend engine.
- shutdown()
Shutdowns all resources required by the backend engine.
- class parfun.backend.dask.DaskRemoteClusterBackend(scheduler_address: str)
Connects to a previously instantiated Dask instance as a backend engine.
- shutdown()
Shutdowns all resources required by the backend engine.
- class parfun.backend.dask.DaskSession(engine: DaskBaseBackend, n_workers: int)
- submit(fn, *args, **kwargs) ProfiledFuture | None
Executes an asynchronous computation.
Blocking if no computing resource is available.
- class parfun.backend.scaler.ScalerLocalBackend(per_worker_queue_size: int, scheduler_address: str | None = None, n_workers: int = 1, allows_nested_tasks: bool = True, **kwargs)
Creates a Scaler cluster on the local machine and uses it as a backend engine.
- shutdown()
Shutdowns all resources required by the backend engine.
- class parfun.backend.scaler.ScalerRemoteBackend(scheduler_address: str, n_workers: int = 1, allows_nested_tasks: bool = True, **client_kwargs)
Connects to a previously instantiated Scaler instance as a backend engine.
- allows_nested_tasks() bool
Indicates if Parfun can submit new tasks from other tasks.
- session() ScalerSession
Returns a new managed session for submitting tasks.
with backend.session() as session: arg_ref = session.preload_value(arg) future = session.submit(fn, arg_ref) print(future.result())
- shutdown()
Shutdowns all resources required by the backend engine.
- class parfun.backend.scaler.ScalerSession(client_pool: ScalerClientPool, n_workers: int)
- preload_value(value: Any) ObjectReference
Preloads a value to the backend engine.
The returned value will be used when calling
instead of the original value.
- submit(fn, *args, **kwargs) ProfiledFuture | None
Executes an asynchronous computation.
Blocking if no computing resource is available.