Quick start
When to use it
Parfun works well with computations that are CPU intensive and that can be easily portioned in independent sub-tasks.

Here are a few examples of computations that can be easily parallelized:
✔ Filtering tasks (e.g.
)✔ Commutative mathematical operations (e.g. some matrix operations, …)
✔ By-row data processing tasks (e.g. input preprocessing).
Other tasks cannot easily be parallelized:
✖ Computations that require non-partitionable datasets (e.g. median computation, sorting)
✖ I/O intensive tasks (file loading, network communications)
✖ Very short (< 100ms) tasks. These tasks are two small for the parallelism gains to exceed the system overhead caused by our parallelization system (e.g. system communications and initialization).
First, add the parfun
package to your requirements.txt file, or install it using PIP:
pip install parfun
The command here-above will only install the base package. If you wish to use the Scaler or Dask distributed backends, or to enable Pandas’ support, use the scaler, dask and/or scaler extras:
pip install parfun[dask,scaler,pandas]
The library relies on a registered computing backend to schedule and distribute sub-tasks among a group of allocated workers.
Before using the library, the user should select the backend instance to use. This can either be done process wise
with the set_parallel_backend()
or within a Python context with
from parfun.entry_point import set_parallel_backend, set_parallel_backend_context
# Set the parallel backend process-wise.
# Set the parallel backend with a Python context.
with set_parallel_backend_context("scaler_remote", scheduler_address="tcp://scaler.cluster:1243"):
... # Will run with parallel task over Scaler.
See set_parallel_backend()
for a description of the available backend options.
Your first parallel function
Let’s say that you have a computing intensive function that applies on a large dataframe, but that actually does the computations separately for each country:
def relative_metrics(df: pd.DataFrame, columns: List[str]) -> pd.DataFrame:
Computes relative metrics (difference to mean, median ...) of a dataframe, for each of the requested dataframe's
values, grouped by country.
output = df.copy()
for country in output["country"].unique():
for column in columns:
values = output.loc[output["country"] == country, column]
mean = values.mean()
std = values.std()
output.loc[output["country"] == country, f"{column}_diff_to_mean"] = values - mean
output.loc[output["country"] == country, f"{column}_sq_diff_to_mean"] = (values - mean) ** 2
output.loc[output["country"] == country, f"{column}_relative_to_mean"] = (values - mean) / std
return output
# company industry country market_cap revenue workforce
# 0 Apple technology US 2828000000000 397000000000 161000
# 1 ASML technology NL 236000000000 27180000000 39850
# 2 Volkswagen manufacturing DE 55550000000 312000000000 650951
# 3 Citigroup banking US 80310000000 79840000000 240000
# 4 Tencent manufacturing CN 345000000000 79000000000 104503
# ... ... ... ... ... ...
print(relative_metrics(df, ["market_cap", "revenue", "workforce"]))
# company industry country market_cap revenue workforce workforce_diff_to_mean workforce_sq_diff_to_mean
# 0 Apple technology US 2828000000000 10 161000 -3520 1.560250e+09 ...
# 1 ASML technology NL 236000000000 27180000000 39850 -19710 2.372191e+00 ...
# 2 Volkswagen manufacturing DE 55550000000 312000000000 650951 83091 9.291912e+00 ...
# 3 Citigroup banking US 80310000000 10 240000 13200 1.560250e+09 ...
# 4 Tencent manufacturing CN 345000000000 79000000000 104503 11201 0.127128e+00 ...
# ... ... ... ... ... ...
When executing the function on a large dataframe, it takes a little bit more than 3.7 seconds to complete:
In [11]: %timeit relative_metrics(df, metric_columns)
3.72 s ± 42.5 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
Modern computers usually have multiple computing units, or cores. These cores excel when computing data-independent tasks.
Ideally, we could leverage these computing resources by partitioning calls to relative_metrics()
for each
group, and by executing these on different cores. Note that there is only data dependency within these group
computations (mean()
, std()
Our ideal parallel computation will thus look like this:

This architecture is a well-known parallelization pattern named map/reduce or scatter/gather. We introduce a new
decorator that you can use to easily distribute the computation of functions
with minimal code change or knowledge of the underlying computing architecture.
The decorator requires the user to specify how to partition the input data (which arguments, and how these should be partitioned), and how to combine the resulting sub-results:
from parfun import parfun
from parfun.combine.dataframe import df_concat
from parfun.partition.api import per_argument
from parfun.partition.dataframe import df_by_group
def relative_metrics(df: pd.DataFrame, columns: List[str]) -> pd.DataFrame:
Without changing anything to our function implementation, we immediately benefit from significantly reduced computing times:
In [13]: %timeit relative_metrics(df, metric_columns)
1.23 s ± 44.2 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
Our function is now 3x faster! 🎉
Advanced partitioning
As seen in the example here-above, the @parfun
decorator accepts a partitioning function (split
), and a
combining function (combine_with
Parfun provides an extensive set of partitioning function and helpers.
Previously, we applied a single partitioning function (df_by_group()
) on a
single argument. However, we could also use per_argument()
to apply different
partitioning functions on various parameters:
from parfun import parfun
from parfun.partition.api import per_argument
from parfun.partition.collection import list_by_chunk
from parfun.partition.dataframe import df_by_row
def func(values: List, df_1: pd.DataFrame, df_2: pd.DataFrame)
We are using two partitioning functions, list_by_chunk()
. These splits the arguments in equally sized partitions. It’s
semantically equivalent to iterating all these partitioned arguments simultaneously:
size = min(len(values), df_1.shape[0], df_2.shape[0])
for begin in range(0, end, PARTITION_SIZE):
end = min(begin + PARTITION_SIZE, size)
func(values[begin:end], df_1.iloc[begin:end], df_2.iloc[begin:end])
Alternatively, it might be sometimes desired to run the same partitioning function on all parameters simultaneously with
from parfun import parfun
from parfun.partition.api import all_arguments
from parfun.partition.dataframe import df_by_row
split=all_arguments(df_by_group(by=["year", "month"]))
def func(df_1: pd.DataFrame, df_2: pd.DataFrame):
Custom partition generators
If you wish to implement more complex partitioning schemes, parfun
allows the use of custom Python generators:
def partition_by_week(df: pd.DataFrame) -> Generator[Tuple[pd.DataFrame]]:
for _, partition in df.groupby(by=df["year-day"] // 7):
yield partition, # Should always yield a tuple that matches the input parameters.
def func(df: pd.DataFrame):
To work properly, custom generators should:
use the
mechanism, and not return a collection (e.g. a list). Returning a collection instead of using a generator will lead to deteriorated performances and higher memory usage.accept the parameters to partition, and yield these partitioned parameters as a tuple, in the same order.
When used with per_argument
, multiple custom generators can be mixed with pre-defined generators, or with other
customer generators.
Partition size estimate
The library tries to automatically determine the optimal size for the parallelly distributed partitions.
Read more about how the library computes the optimal partition size.
You can override how the library choose the partition size to use by either providing either the
initial_partition_size: int
or fixed_partition_size: int
fixed_partition_size=10, # The partition size will always be 10 rows/items.
initial_partition_size=200, # The library will use 200 as a first estimate then improve from it.
These parameters also accept a callable instead of an int
. This is useful when the function’s input is required to
compute the partition size:
initial_partition_size=lambda df: df.shape[0] * 0.01,
def fun(df: pd.DataFrame)
The partition size estimation is disabled for custom partition generators.
Combining functions
The library provides useful combining functions to deal with collections and dataframes:
In addition, regular Python functions can be used as combine functions. These will be provided the results of the partitioned computations as an iterable and their result type should match the decorated function’s return type.
combine_with=sum, # signature should be `Iterable[float] -> float`.
def parallel_sum(values: List[float]) -> float:
return sum(values)
Nested parallel function calls
Parfun functions can be safely called from other Parfun functions.
Currently, Scaler is the only backend that will run the inner functions in parallel. Other backends will execute the inner functions sequentially, as regular Python functions.
def parent_func(values: List[float]):
result = child_func(df)
@parfun(split=split(df_by_group(by=["year", "month"])))
def child_func(df: pd.DataFrame):
The easiest way to profile the speedup provided by a parallel function is to either use Python’s timeit module, or the
IPython/Jupyter %timeit
In addition, the decorator provides a profile: bool
parameter that can be used to print additional runtime
metrics when running the parallel function:
Applying this to our previous function give us this:
In [9]: res = relative_metrics(df, metric_columns)
total CPU execution time: 0:00:04.112122.
compute time: 0:00:03.768828 (91.65%)
min.: 0:00:00.010886
max.: 0:00:00.233721
avg.: 0:00:00.075377
total parallel overhead: 0:00:00.343294 (8.35%)
total partitioning: 0:00:00.343134 (8.34%)
average partitioning: 0:00:00.006863
total combining: 0:00:00.000160 (0.00%)
maximum speedup (theoretical): 11.98x
total partition count: 50
current estimator state: running
current estimated partition size: 1408
estimator function: f(partition_size) = 573750.56 + 40369422.16 / partition_size
total CPU execution time tells us the actual execution time of our parallel function. Notice that this duration is larger than the value returned by
(1.23 seconds). That is because it sums the execution times for all the cores that processed our function. It is also longer than the sequential execution of our function, as the Parfun execution adds some additional computation (partitioning, combining).compute time tells us how much CPU was spent working inside the
function. Notice that this value roughly matches the duration of the sequential function when measured with%timeit
. The min, max and avg values tell us that there is some discrepancy in the execution of our function, most probably caused by the various group sizes of our dataset.total parallel overhead, total partitioning and total combining tell us that running the additional partitioning function added some significant albeit acceptable computing overhead. The time spent combing the resulting data-frames is negligible though.
maximum speedup (theoretical) estimates how much faster the function would run on a parallel machine with an infinite number of cores. A theoretical 12x speedup is reasonable. The library uses different metrics to estimate this value (parallel overhead, dataset size, partition sizes …).
total partition count and current estimated partition size tell us that our function executed on 50 partitions, and that the library estimates the optimal partition size to be around 1408 rows. The library uses heuristics to estimate the optimal partition size. The library tries to find a partition size that provides significant parallel speedup without causing too much parallel overhead. current estimator state and estimator function provide additional debugging information relating to this estimate.
As the library is constantly learning the optimal partition size, the first call to the parallelized function might not produce the most optimal run-times. In these cases, it is recommended to call the function multiple times before analyzing the profiler output.
The decorator also has a trace_export: Optional[str]
parameter that will dump the latest parallel call to the
function to a CSV file. All durations in this file are in nanoseconds (10-9):